poems I am loving these days 1
Kelli Russell Agodon - Perhaps If We Understood Desire
Derrick Austin - To Friendship
Oliver Baez Bendorf - Dysphoria
Heather Christle - Perfect Song
e. e. cummings - Spring is like a perhaps hand
Dalton Day - Dinosaurs Smelled Magnolias
Dalton Day - Mars
Shira Erlichman - Love, Whose Pronoun is We, Collect Me
Ella Frears - Becoming Moss
Ross Gay - Thank You
Jenny George - Spring
Aracelis Girmay - Ars Poetica
Aracelis Girmay - Elegy
Aracelis Girmay - Science
Alyse Knorr - Recovery
Ada Limón - The End of Poetry
Amelia Martens - We Will Be Long Gone
Lisel Mueller - In Passing
Marilyn Nelson - Psalm
Mary Oliver - In Blackwater Woods
Mary Oliver - Morning
Joy Priest - Looking for the Beautiful Things
Sonia Sanchez - Haiku [i count the morning]
Tracy K. Smith - Flores Woman
Joseph Stroud - Hovering
Christian Wiman - Flight
Sorted alphabetically by poet’s last name. ↩